
Care Packages

Our care packages lift up the spirits of patients confined to hospital rooms with limited access to family and friends. Your donation allows us to craft personalized care packages for patients.

Advocacy for Patients

The health care system is complex, and having to navigate it while one is sick is even more challenging. We provide educational resources that will explain how to search for physicians, how to pursue a second opinion, resources for children and young adults that miss school due to chronic illnesses, such as free tutoring and other programs they may be eligible for, understanding HIPAA and one’s rights within the many intake forms one completes for treatment and hospitalizations. We want patients to feel empowered as educated consumers about their conditions and the medical field, so they can find the best treatments and providers, especially where time is precious.

Recognizing hospital staff

There are so many wonderful hospital staff ranging from technicians to nurses and doctors, who go above and beyond to provide personalized, restorative care for their patients. We make resources available to outstanding staff to move up in the ranks in the hospital institution, whether one is a CNA hoping to attend nursing school, or a nurse pursuing medical school. We want to enable this staff to pursue their desired degrees by providing funding to continue their education. We also recognize this staff by providing thank you packages to reinforce the appreciation from their patients and their impact in the medical field. An amazing doctor, nurse, or technician is life changing – and we want to make sure they have the resources to thrive as well.

Ease insurance hurdles

Our co-pay card finder reduces out of pocket costs for brand name medications by helping you look up if your medicine has an associated manufacturer co-pay card that will reduce your out-of-pocket costs substantially. These co-pay cards are not coupons, but a manufacturer offered reduction in the price through a qualifying co-pay card issued by the manufacturer, which results in lower costs to the patient than a coupon. In addition, our team helps to advocate for patients facing insurance denials and help patients through the appeals process for medications and treatment essential to their health and recovery plan.